{Togetherness, happiness, fun and laughDaisypath Anniversary tickers

All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget, they are just like the recipe - a memory of the finished dishes...}

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Project : Hello Kitty Oreo Japanese B’day Cheesecake

Made this fluffy Japanese Cheesecake for J.C 姐. I make a lil bit twist on it, which using cheese cream instead of usual butter cream :D ( So I need to put them in the fridge all the time, if not…it melts haiz)
My super fluffy Japanese Cheesecake hehe :D lope it :DIMG_2579


  1. LOL,I like the little cat but I've never tasted the cake of it~

    Hermes bags

  2. @Gabrielle- hahhaha...my fren didnt know how to cut it at the first time...cause it just too cute n she ia hello kitty maniac...so u can feel her feeling at tat time lol:p


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