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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

From Ms to Mrs : Do you tell and share everything to your HTB?!?

Another HOT topic in wedding forum...
Bride-to-be always asking opinions should or should not tell / share everything with your Husband-to-be (HTB) especially regards of money...money...money...

I've got so many pros and cons from this wedding forum

Some of them only share how much they earn but not what they have in their own accounts
For us, we have joint accounts, we know how much we earns but we never ask how much do we have in our own bank accounts  ( we need our own space and privacyyyyyy)

It doesn't mean that we do not trust each other. But girls, "future is uncertain", we cannot rely 100% on him and so do him. Prevention is always better than sorry.

After reading so many divorce cases, affairs bla bla bla...they are sometimes really freak me out... seems like growing old together love story is really a fairytale?!? But again Thanks God I have a harmony yet romantic growing old together story family.

Before I raised this issue up, I have discussed this with lots of people (either old or young) and all of them gave me same answer- always have my own spare money to keep for my own good sake.

This is my humble opinion...no offence and feel free to share your thoughts :)

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