{Togetherness, happiness, fun and laughDaisypath Anniversary tickers

All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget, they are just like the recipe - a memory of the finished dishes...}

Friday, August 2, 2013

Recipe : Pandan Leaf Chicken (Moo Hor Bai Toey)

Saw someone eat this pandan leaf chicken on one of his travelogue TV and make my saliva drop in the middle of the night *jialat*. Curious on how they prepare it, then I search on how to make it in youtube. Since I still have chicken breast in my fridge, so I decided to have a try the next day for our dinner.

  • pandan leaves
  • chicken breast
  • 1 1/2 tbs soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar
  • pepper
  • 2 tbs sesame oil
  • 1tbs coriander seed (crush) / coriander root
  • 3 / 4 gloves of minced garlic 

  1. Cut the chicken breast in a big chunks and marinate them with all the ingredients. Best marinate it at least 1 hour
  2. Wash and clean the pandan leaves 
  3. Carefully wrap the marinated chicken with pandan leaves. Tru to pull it tighly so that the chicken won't shrink when we fry it (I've got a lil bit trouble in doing it at the first time hahaha...but all worth it :) ) 
  4. Cut the excess pandan leaves from the wrapped chicken
  5. Steam finished wrapped chicken for about 15mins
  6. Heat the oil and the wrapped chicken ready to put into the medium heat oil
  7. Fry fry fry until it turn golden brown. Drain dry
  8. Ur pandan leaf chicken is ready to be served :)
Below is the video :)

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